That’s How the Summer Ended
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A ban on physical contact in a dystopian shipyard has turned human interaction into a set of otherworldly simulations. The suppression of contact has transformed the shipyard into a charged landscape of alienation and repressed sensuality that transcends the boundaries of heteronormative passions. On Xerxes’ Throne premiered at the International Critics’ Week in Cannes.
Subtitles: EN, HR
Filmska redateljica i vizualna umjetnica koja radi u Ateni i Londonu. Magistrirala je film na Kraljevskoj umjetničkoj akademiji u Londonu. U filmovima problematizira pitanja društvene uključenosti/ isključenosti, multikulturnog identiteta, postapokaliptičnih okruženja i uloge ženskih likova u starogrčkoj mitologiji. Trenutno priprema svoj prvi dugometražni film Cora.